Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Introducing Stephanie Wall

Do what you love. This is the mantra that Stephanie Wall, 17, has lived by and is the reason why this is the fourth year she will be a part of the colour, fun and action of Schools Spectacular.

Stephanie has been dancing for the last 12 years of her life and she has a background in ballet, jazz, contemporary, musical and lyrical dance.

“My true passion is musical theatre combining signing as well, it’s a challenge but I love performing.”

When rehearsals start, Stephanie will travel more than 450 kilometres to Sydney from her hometown Wagga Wagga, which is part of the Riverina located in Central NSW.

While rehearsing, Stephanie will be blogging her experiences so that other peers can get a rare glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes of Schools Spectacular and the enormous amount of effort and work each person puts into the production.

“I couldn’t imagine not being part of Schools Spec. It’s such a huge production and I think it’s one of the biggest variety shows in the world.”

“There is so much great talent and everyone is very professional and extremely friendly. I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to blog my experience and show others just what goes into the production.”
Stephanie is looking forward to interviewing her fellow Schools Spectacular peers to include in her blog posts.

Last year, Stephanie sung and danced her way through the famous Mary Poppins musical piece, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. She found it challenging, but the active teen is up for a challenge and it will be interesting to watch her Schools Spec journey through her eyes.
After school, Stephanie hopes to continue her passion in musical theatre studying performing arts. 

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