Sunday, 25 November 2012

Spec week!

Hey there!

Sorry I didn't achieve my once a day post, but Spec has been so crazy and busy I just didn't have time! But without a doubt, Spec was one of the greatest experiences and I can't explain the feeling that comes when you hear your voice echo out to 10,000 people!

Here is a video I made earlier in the week showing the orchestra call/stage band call.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Show Week Day 2

Hey there!

So heres the second video for show week, I'm struggling to find internet so I'm uploading whenever possible!!

Here's a vid of of when Heather Riley, Nick Kelly and I performed on 2GB radio a few weeks ago and a musical theatre rehearsal!

xx Steph

Sunday, 18 November 2012


Hey There!

So sorry for the recent lack of videos, I've been extremely busy with travelling and school work it's been hard to fit everything in! But I've decided to upload one video a day until the Friday night show starting from tonight! I'm attempting to grab as much footage as I can and hook up to every Youth Hostel Wifi I can (I'm staying at the YHA in central, unfortunately the internet when I can get to it is very slow) and show a complete behind the scenes look at show week.

This video showcases part of the show run, some interviews with the lovely Benny Nelson and Naisa, and what some Featured Artists do in their spare lunch breaks from rehearsals!

Day 1 of 6! Remember, theres still tickets left to purchase for Our Time - Schools Spectacular 2012!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Schools Spec Blog 5 -Three Weeks To Go!

Hey There!

So it's been such a hectic week since last posting, I couldn't fit everything I wanted to into one video! This video shows the third official show run for Spec Featured Artists. I will upload a video in the next few days about the first combined rehearsal at the Entertainment Centre.

So I'm half way through spending a week in Sydney, with Saturday and Sunday being full day rehearsals at The Arts Unit. Today I spent a few hours shopping for my dress for 'Let Me Be Your Star' with the lovely costume organisers Kirstin Dickason and Sue Rix, who are also choreographers in the show. Tomorrow and Wednesday I will be at TDP, and Thursday and Friday are more Spec rehearsals!

It's scary how fast the show is coming up. So much rehearsal gets squeezed into a 2 months period, then its all over! So many great friendships are created through Spec, saying goodbye on the last Saturday night is definitely one of the hardest things to do!

Please watch and buy tickets to Spec 2012: Our Time! Like I've said so many times, you will not want to miss out!