Friday, 29 November 2013

Spec Blog 8!!!


Next vid guys!!!


Hello everyone!!

It's show week! Heres a video showing the orchestra and stage band call at the beginning of the week!

Monday, 25 November 2013

1 week to go!

This blog marks the last set of rehearsals before SHOW WEEK! Check out these fabulous performers gearing up to perform at the Entertainment Centre!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Spec Blog 5! 2 weeks out!

Hey everyone!!

To celebrate 2 weeks from Spec here's another video showcasing the incredible talents of the Spec Featured Artists!!

It's all very exciting and I'm so looking forward to the show.


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Schools Spectacular Blog 4!

Hey everyone!

Here's my fourth Schools Spectacular blog giving more insight into the exciting behind the scenes of the Featured Artists rehearsals 2013. I've had such a ball these last 2 weeks and I'm excited to show you how each song has developed into the fantastic segments you see in the November Spec!


Stephanie xx

Monday, 28 October 2013

Schools Spectacular 2013 - Blog 3!

Hi everybody!

So Spec is well underway to be a fantastic show! Last weekend's rehearsals focused on the movement aspect for Featured Artists and a 'Finale' rehearsal.

I was not required at this rehearsal, but I sent my wonderful friend and fellow Featured Artist Anthony Nardi to take over the reins and be an official video blogger! He took some fantastic stuff and I hope you enjoy watching it!

xx Stephanie.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

School Spectacular 2013 Blog 2 - First Showrun

Hi everybody!

So it's been a little over a week since the first blog, and things are continuing to develop into the fantastic show that is the School's Spectacular. 

After my first week at rehearsals I have been studying and doing my HSC, which has been a challenge, but is worth it! I just finished my English exams! Spec weekends separate my exams, and they provide a much needed break from study!

This next blog showcases the first official show run of the Featured Artists and some movement rehearsal that was held last Thursday. I have auditions for my Uni courses as well as rehearsal and HSC and Spec, so it's a hectic next couple of weeks ahead!

Check out the newest video!!
